Labour trends

Do Psychology Graduates Can Only Work As A Counselor? 

Do Psychology Graduates Can Only Work As A Counselor? 

Difficulty in development, limited job opportunities, and many theories are what people often think about psychology field.

December 29, 2023

3 Misunderstandings When Changing Jobs That Can Reduce Your Income

3 Misunderstandings When Changing Jobs That Can Reduce Your Income

Changing jobs but not seeing a “jump” in salary, Gen Z quits too early when only a few months away from promotion, and misunderstandings make...

November 24, 2023

How To Clearly Define KPIs For Innovation So That Employees Do Not Burn Out?

How To Clearly Define KPIs For Innovation So That Employees Do Not Burn Out?

From a hidden genetic code predetermined in each person, innovation shas now become an indispensable KPI in businesses. But how to keep KPI from "blowing...

September 20, 2023

Person–centric – the trend of times 

Person–centric – the trend of times 

After numerous factors that directly affect employees, businesses are slightly transitioning the work environment from “People-centric” to “Person-centric”.

September 11, 2023

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

Hiring after layoffs is unavoidable. However, the recruiting strategy is changing: returning to the internal workforce – a potential resource that HR could ask for. 

March 28, 2023

Year Of The Cat And Successful Lessons HR Can Learn From Them

Year Of The Cat And Successful Lessons HR Can Learn From Them

There are some worthwhile habits and behaviors from the cats – the zodiac animal representing the year 2023 that HR can take to leverage the...

February 6, 2023

The Art Of Human Resource Management In the "New Normal" Era

The Art Of Human Resource Management In the "New Normal" Era

The “new normal” greatly affects the workforce and most businesses. So, how must the art of human resource management change in the "new normal" period...

September 19, 2022

Solutions For Tourism Companies To Overcome Human Resources Challenges In The Post-Covid Era

Solutions For Tourism Companies To Overcome Human Resources Challenges In The Post-Covid Era

As the tourism industry shows positive signs of recovery, firms encounter new obstacles regarding human resources. Tourism businesses must address these obstacles expeditiously to meet...

July 27, 2022

Comprehensive Mastery in Recruitment: Talentnet's Approach

Comprehensive Mastery in Recruitment: Talentnet's Approach

Recruiting senior staff to match the company's strategy has always been a challenging problem. With comprehensive masteries of the situation, Talentnet's top recruiting team assures...

June 8, 2020

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